Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The first step is always the hardest

Starting something new is always a little daunting... especially if it's something that other people will see & read ... Or heaven forbid be allowed to comment on.

I feel that this is a way for me to keep track of my life, thoughts & feelings. More importantly to keep a record of what is happening in Mark & Luke's lives.

The last four years have sped by so fast that I now realise that I haven't kept track of all the wonderful things that have happened.

Luke's first real word was 'ish' (fish) I remember that.... but when exactly did he say it? What was the exact moment that Mark really smiled for the first time?

I hope this will be easier to keep track of & less painful to write than putting it on paper.

Also this way all who need to or want to can see what we're doing:)

A plus all round!